
**However, if ALE-400 ARQ is getting through with error free throughput, what 
are the chances that Olivia or Thor or some faster mode is getting through with 
much faster throughput and a only a few errors ? Other than a wider bandwidth, 
the other mode may turn out more efficient.**

That's a good question. If you first start by configuring Olivia and Thor to 
match ALE-400s 60 wpm speed, you wind up with three modes that have similar 
minimum signal-to-noise figures and more or less the same robust HF channel 

Running faster versions of Olivia or Thor to surpass ALE-400's speed would 
decrease the robust quality of those modes even further causing an even greater 
number of throughput errors. At that point it comes down to whether the print 
is still readable with the non-ARQ modes under the conditions you mentioned. 

It's probably a bit simplistic, but I believe the ARQ in ALE-400 can have an 
advantage over other modes in an apples-to-apples comparison because it 
constantly checks for throughput errors every few seconds and corrects them as 
it 'rides' the band changes.   

When you compare this to non-ARQ modes with similar HF channel characteristics, 
you realize that a lot of print can be sent by a long-winded operator who is 
unaware that a large percentage of his message is not making it through; until 
he turns it over. By that time it's too late and the message needs to be 
repeated. With ALE-400, checks and balances are made in a matter of seconds for 
error-free print. 

Another unique aspect of ALE-400 is it's bilateral operation. Since both 
stations can type at the same time, text from each station passes 
back-and-forth ever few seconds allowing the conversation to change directions 
quickly if need be. The bilateral wpm rate is 85 wpm or 42wpm each way; the 
standard is 60 wpm unilateral. 

*I'm waiting for a development where some sort of hand shake or RS-ID 
initiation at the
 beginning of a QSO establishes the current SNR. Then on your screen up pops a 
messages that says... "based on the SNR of -11dB THOR11 is recommended, do you 
want to switch " ?

That would be something Andy. 

Tony -K2MO  

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