I don't think we should encourage texting or CW while driving! All 
attention needs to be your driving. Driving is dangerous enough even 
with full attention. Pull over to the side of the road and text or CW 
please. We don't need another silent key.

Mark / Jordan

I certainly appreciate your concerns and we wouldn't want to encouraging 
anyone to do something that was unsafe. In my experience, operating CW 
mobile is as safe as running SSB in the car or chatting on the local VHF 
repeater as many do.

While any distraction like fiddling with the car radio is potentially 
dangerous, I think cell phone texting, where one takes both hands off 
the wheel and eyes off the road is in a category all by itself.

Again, I didn't intend to encourage anyone, we were just discussing the 
fact that some ops can successfully operate CW mobile. Thanks for 
mentioning the safety issues and to others - please don't try this 

Tony -K2MO

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