From: Rudy Benner <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010   Time: 06:13:31

>IT WORKED !! This is part of a sinister plot to take over the world. First it
>puts you to sleep ....... zzzzz... then I take over. BEWARE !!
>I assume you were on LSB? Could have been WISP on 3.5926 USB which
>puts the carrier on 35941 +/- a couple hundred kc. It almost sounds like a
>steady tone, you have to listen carefully to detect that it is not.
>It would also have been JT-65 on 3.576 USB, +/- a few hundred kcs. Lots
>of activity on JT-65 around 14.076 USB. All data modes use USB.
>JT-65 and WISP sound very different from each other.
>Time to adjust your (foil) hat.

Yes, Rudy, it was LSB, but it was neither WSPR nor JT-65. It was the 
distinctive gliding from one tone to another that made it stand out from 
anything I have heard before.

Ian, G3NRW

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