--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Andy obrien <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> Still looks very nice , easy to set up, got 95% of modes people are most
> likely to use , or ever need.

But it costs $50, and does less than Fldigi, which is free.

Having read your summary, I haven't even bothered to download it. I do own a 
registration for MixW but I haven't used it for a couple of years. Tried it on 
packet a few weeks ago but TrueTTY is much better in that respect. Pity Fldigi 
doesn't do packet, it would probably blow the socks off everything else.

Once upon a time I'd gladly have paid another $50 for a MixW 3. Not any more. 
Opportunity lost, though perhaps DM780 killed off the market for MixW anyway.

Julian, G4ILO

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