On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 10:12 PM Johannes Hoppe <i...@johanneshoppe.com>

> @Tom, I stared to adapt some of your suggestions. Not done yet, I need to
> wait for more log output from PostgeSQL to identify why it's stuck.
> I'll put in more work later today (UTC+9). I'll also open up a
> pull-request somewhere to allow line wise comments and suggestions.
> @Matematica, good points, I added some comments inline.
> On Fri, Nov 8, 2019, 09:42 Matemática A3K <matematica....@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 11:31 AM Johannes Hoppe <i...@johanneshoppe.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Tom,
>>> Good to hear for you and very good points. I'll leave you a couple of
>>> inline comments:
>>> On Friday, November 8, 2019 at 1:04:50 AM UTC+9, Tom Forbes wrote:
>>>> This is fantastic! Thank you Johannes! Regarding sqlite MacOS and
>>>> Windows tests, this is historical AFAIK (we don’t have the resources). With
>>>> this we should test MacOS and Windows as part of the Sqlite matrix (i.e all
>>>> python versions).
>>>> A few notes:
>>>> 1. We need to change the test runner output to be verbose when running
>>>> inside actions, as GitHub actions uses line buffered output.
>>> Yes, 100%
>>>> 2. We can’t run Oracle in actions for a number of reasons. We could
>>>> consider exposing the test database instance to Github actions via a proxy
>>>> or a whitelisted IP address, and we could implement the current “Buildbot,
>>>> test on oracle” command in GitHub actions pretty trivially.
>>> You could use the official docker image, but it's going to be painfully
>>> slow.
>>>> 3. We should have separate stages for Chrome and Firefox, but Firefox
>>>> should be set to allow failures for now. We can use the selenium hub
>>>> feature of the test runner in combination with the “services” actions
>>>> option to make this a bit simpler.
>>> We currently use borwserhub on our CI system, if I am not mistaken. So
>>> using the headless version, was just a PoC. We should connect it to
>>> browserhub too I guess.
>> Browserhub == Browserstack == Selenium hub? If so, there should be the 3,
>> with Chrome and Firefox the main focus, and if some device fails in the
>> Selenium hub it wouldn't be a merge-blocker.
> I don't remember which one, but I don't want to toy with the current
> setup. The headless once are good for a regular CI setup and could run on
> each PR, since they are fast and more reliable.
> I split them (in my sample branch) and disabled fast failing. So it's
> easier to identify browser specific issues.
>>>> 4. Regarding the databases, I think the more correct way would be to
>>>> use a “service” rather than apt-installing it. See here for example:
>>>> https://github.com/actions/example-services/blob/master/.github/workflows/postgres-service.yml#L20-L30.
>>>> This would enable us to test the matrix of database versions, which is as
>>>> important as python versions IMO.
>>> I am not sure if this is really the best move. I decided against
>>> "services" on other projects, mainly because of performance reasons. My
>>> current understanding is, that the containers are executed inside the
>>> virtual machine. Besides that you are stuck with stock images. In the case
>>> of Postgres, you will not get any extensions, like PostGIS.
>>> Then again, we should try and verify if any of my points are valid.
>> According to
>> https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/virtual-environments-for-github-hosted-runners,
>> you can run Docker containers besides the stock images
> True, I missed that. Hm... We should definitely do a side by side. The
> service config sure looks cleaner.

Then why not use all the work already done in django-docker-box there? Then
this would be "Run Django CI with Docker in the Azure cloud via Github
Actions instead of Jenkins via the Jenkins-Github integration (plugin?)"

>>>> 5. Developers hate duplication, but I think a readable CI definition
>>>> that includes duplication is better than a de-duplicated one that’s a mess
>>>> of YAML anchors and special cases (see my attempts in docker-box!). I might
>>>> even suggest a separate actions file per test-group (linting/each
>>>> database/selenium).
>>> Hm... I think I undestand where you want to go with this, but will
>>> having separate files really avoid duplication? Anyhow, a file has a
>>> meaning. It is a workflow. You can have multiple jobs in a workflow. Jobs
>>> can depend on one anohter, but only if they belong to the same workflow. So
>>> you can't build stages across workflows. Therefore, I would stick with a
>>> single file approach and wait until GitHub fully supports YAML.
>>> It's not that much duplication and steps cloud be bundled using another
>>> strategy, but I won't go for that just now.
>> Seems reasonable to me also, conditional and stages functionality is more
>> important in this case.
> I agree, after some more thought, it also makes sense to me, to have a
> single CI workflow. It also looks better, in terms of user feedback on
> GitHub.
>>>> However for now I propose this as a course of action:
>>>> 1. We add Flake8, isort and docs to the main Github repository
>>>> (basically this:
>>>> https://github.com/codingjoe/django/blob/30962/flake8/.github/workflows/ci.yml#L1-L31).
>>>> I think this is good to go as-is and is low risk. We leave this running in
>>>> parallel with Jenkins for a period of time to evaluate it, and after that
>>>> we remove those Jenkins jobs entirely when we are happy.
>>> Me likey!
>>>> 2. We add SQLite tests one at a time: first Ubuntu, then Windows and
>>>> finally MacOS. We can experiment with these in separate repositories if
>>>> needed until we are happy with the configuration. After this we should
>>>> become comfortable with developing CI changes as merge requests, and should
>>>> not need separate repositories.
>>> We can also use the Sqlite definitions as a template for future
>>>> databases. We also need to add specific test settings files to the
>>>> repository, even for SQlite which needs memcached configured (see
>>>> django-docker-box for examples).
>>> MacOS fails right now. On my local machine too, we should really test
>>> aginst it. But it will require fixing some tests.
>>>> 3. We add a full-matrix MariaDB build. This is our newest supported
>>>> database and there have been a few failures on master on specific untested
>>>> versions.
>>> Yes, please I need a helping hand here. I'm a Postgres kind a guy.
>>>> 4. We then add each database individually in a similar fashion, and
>>>> think about Oracle right at the end.
>>> Poor Oracle, but I absolutely agree.
>>>> If this plan sounds reasonable then let's create some smaller tickets.
>>>> IMO the exact specifics of how the database tests will look is still fuzzy,
>>>> but for the linting it’s perfectly clear. However if anyone is not happy
>>>> with actions in the main repository then let's keep discussing.
>>> It does, but let's wait just a bit longer. I'd like others to evaluate
>>> the new insides. I'm sure they have some good idea too.
>> The plan sounds right to me, taking away the linting from Jenkins would
>> alleviate a bit the overload on it and not hit the capacity limit.
> I slept a night on that. I believe we should run the actions back to back
> with the current config for a while and exclude it from any branch
> restrictions. Having it run back to back allows for a better comparison.
> I would also not limit it to just the linters. If we have a config that
> works and that mirrors a current test run, we should deploy it to gain more
> experience.
> If we name the workflow something like BETA or DO-IGNORE, it also won't
> cause too much confusion, to have two sets of tests. But on that I'd like
> to hear an opinion from our fellows.
>> As it seems that it will take some time to evaluate it, why don't we VC
>> the Jenkins config in the meantime to help Mariusz?
>>>> Tom
>>>> On 7 Nov 2019, at 15:33, Johannes Hoppe <in...@johanneshoppe.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, I have one more insight.
>>>> I added all databases (except Oracle) and altered the job matrix to
>>>> reflect the current setup (why don't we test on macOS again?)
>>>> Results can be found here:
>>>> https://github.com/codingjoe/django/commit/386f5eb04dc0ae9424bcb1e1198ed7752cd9c10c/checks?check_suite_id=300325315
>>>> My main observations:
>>>> 1. PostgreSQL is still running after 1.5h
>>>> 2. I have no clue about MySQL or MariaDB
>>>> Since PostgreSQL is sill running I looked into the machine size that is
>>>> used for the GitHub hosted runners. They use Azure's Standard_DS2_v2
>>>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/sizes-general#dsv2-series
>>>> I believe if we are to run Oracle (or PostgreSQL for that matter) we
>>>> might need to use our own action runners. However, if we ask Microsoft
>>>> very, very nicely, maybe they will sponsor some bigger machines for us ;)
>>>> BTW, PostgreSQL is running for almost 2h now. I wonder if I could run a
>>>> major web service of a GitHub action :P
>>>> On Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 8:15:43 PM UTC+9, Johannes Hoppe wrote:
>>>>> I put in a little effort and tried a couple of conceptual things.
>>>>> 1. YAML anchors, inheritance and includes are not yet supported by
>>>>> GitHub actions.
>>>>> 2. You can build dependent builds, or build stages, but you will need
>>>>> to keep everything in one file. (This gets messy without anchors & co).
>>>>> 3. You can give your jobs proper names and it works wonderful with a
>>>>> matrix too.
>>>>> 4. You can add lots of OS dependent steps (or other dependencies) to
>>>>> avoid duplication.
>>>>> 5. Fast failing is defined per job. So if a job inside a matrix fails,
>>>>> only runners in the same matrix will be killed. Further more, jobs that
>>>>> depend on this job will not be started. However, other will. (Very 
>>>>> powerful
>>>>> stuff, love it.)
>>>>> I put all my work and results into a branch. Here's what I implemented:
>>>>> 1. flake8, isort
>>>>> 2. sqlite3 all OSxPythonv versions
>>>>> 3. PostgreSQL
>>>>> 4. PostGIS
>>>>> 5. Selenium (headless) FF & Chrome (flaky as ever :/ )
>>>>> Here is the config file:
>>>>> https://github.com/codingjoe/django/blob/30962/flake8/.github/workflows/ci.yml
>>>>> The output is here:
>>>>> https://github.com/codingjoe/django/commit/7a6fe4d7956caa6fb9a1ffe190310f48df031190/checks?check_suite_id=300072254
>>>>> I use sphinx and libenchant on GH-actions in other projects, but I
>>>>> need to check out the sphinx is build in our current CI setup first.
>>>>> I'll try to draft a solution for that too.
>>>>> So far I am pretty happy. I haven't encountered anything that isn't
>>>>> possible yet. Concurrency is also great.
>>>>> Regarding speed, I haven't looked much into caching yet, and I am not
>>>>> sure it's a big time saver, since Django doesn't have many dependencies.
>>>>> On Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 1:44:00 PM UTC+9, Johannes Hoppe
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> @Florian, dependent builds or build stages are possible, seealso:
>>>>>> https://github.com/codingjoe/django/commit/eeefc83a85ba5e91b98c4e29fb9b20896612cc8c/checks?check_suite_id=299641652
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Johannes Hoppe
>>>>>> www.johanneshoppe.com
>>>>>> Want to chat? Let's get a coffee!
>>>>>> https://calendly.com/codingjoe/call
>>>>>> Lennéstr. 19
>>>>>> 14469 Potsdam
>>>>>> USt-IdNr.: DE284754038
>>>>>> On 7. Nov 2019, 10:16 +0900, Tom Forbes <t...@tomforb.es>, wrote:
>>>>>> Maybe this discussion is slightly off topic, and at the risk of
>>>>>> derailing things I’d like to put out my view on this.
>>>>>> There is more to it than just “using Github’s computing power”, just
>>>>>> as there is more to using AWS than “using Amazon’s computing power”. 
>>>>>> That’s
>>>>>> only a small part of it: it’s also the ecosystem, the integrations, the
>>>>>> maintenance cost, the *ease of use*, the support, etc.
>>>>>> Django’s “core business” is Django. Time and resources that are spent
>>>>>> not focusing on improving that should be reduced. Keeping Jenkins alive 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> stable seems like a waste to me. Something similar could be said about
>>>>>> flake8 vs black.
>>>>>> Jenkins is actually a really interesting and unique piece of
>>>>>> technology, far more interesting than most people realize.  But who cares
>>>>>> because we don’t need interesting. We need to run “pip install flake8 &&
>>>>>> flake8” on every commit and show the results in Github. That’s a solved
>>>>>> problem thanks to Travis, CircleCI, actions or even Gitlab-CI with 0 
>>>>>> effort
>>>>>> from us.
>>>>>> So IMO it shouldn’t matter at all if Jenkins is open or closed
>>>>>> source. Time is, as always, our fiat and the expenditure of it is what
>>>>>> counts. To that end I would honestly avoid self hosting runners, there 
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> some easier alternatives we can try first to support Oracle.
>>>>>> Anyway, I will make the flake8 merge request tomorrow and we can see
>>>>>> where we go from there.
>>>>>> On 7 Nov 2019, at 01:10, Matemática A3K <matema...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 3:51 AM Carlton Gibson <carlto...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey Shai.
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, 6 November 2019 08:43:21 UTC+1, Shai Berger wrote:
>>>>>>>> Is there benefit enough in GitHub Actions (over Jenkins) to justify
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> move from an open-source based solution?
>>>>>>> I don't think we have to move away entirely but it would be good to
>>>>>>> bring in something else... (or at least try it...)
>>>>>>> These are the top on my mind reasons for wanting to:
>>>>>>> * Mariusz spends Quite a lot of time™ maintaining Jenkins and all
>>>>>>> the job definitions etc. This doesn't go away with another builder but 
>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>> we can move to declarative config file in the repo, then that could 
>>>>>>> become
>>>>>>> shared work. (Jenkins has this these days no...? But we don't...)
>>>>>>> * I'd really like to try GitHub actions Windows builds. Maybe we
>>>>>>> could get Jenkins to behave better but currently we have a failure on 
>>>>>>> every
>>>>>>> force push.
>>>>>>> * Maybe we can stage runs: i.e. do the lint, and some basic builds
>>>>>>> first. Do one Python against each DB before running then all. And so 
>>>>>>> on, to
>>>>>>> save some trees. (Again maybe we might be able to do this with Jenkins 
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> it seems more likely to actually happen if we give GitHub Actions a 
>>>>>>> trial.)
>>>>>>> * I think we're running up against capacity for the sponsored space,
>>>>>>> so builds slow down. If we can spread the load we should get faster CI.
>>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>>> Carlton
>>>>>> I also share Shai's concerns. Thinking a bit about it, it is about
>>>>>> depending on other's resources for the workflow. Nothing in Django 
>>>>>> changes,
>>>>>> as all the tests are the same and can be ran with tox - and all the 
>>>>>> source
>>>>>> code is the same - the difference would be using Github's computing power
>>>>>> instead of Jenkin's for leveraging resources (i.e. manpower) which are 
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> infinite.
>>>>>> It would be ideal - to me - to have the entire workflow depending on
>>>>>> FOSS solutions. I guess this was one of the reasons that Jenkins was 
>>>>>> chosen
>>>>>> instead, say, Travis, but if the health of Django improves with this, the
>>>>>> overall impact to the the community will be better than staying being 
>>>>>> users
>>>>>> of a project which we don't contribute (at least to my knowledge): almost
>>>>>> nothing changes to Jenkins - well, it starts loosing users over Github, I
>>>>>> think the same may happen with Gitlab - and Django gets an improvement
>>>>>> because is already dependent on Github.
>>>>>> It would be also an alarm to Jenkins in the way that it needs to
>>>>>> catch up with others, if Github Actions end up providing the same
>>>>>> functionality with a lower setup and maintainability effort, the might
>>>>>> migrate there.
>>>>>> When you use others' servers like in SaaS, there is no way but
>>>>>> trusting the other to "behave as expected", even using the AGPL. As long 
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> it a conscious decision, seems good to me :)
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