Thanks Luke for your reply. I use a VPS so I guess mod_python can be
installed cause I have root access.
I am happy to hear that I can integrate the templates that i want.

I understand when you say I cant build those sites without having
programing skills but are there no modules that are already pre-built
like print this article, comment on this article, send by email, most
popular etc. That one can call with some django tags or something like
that? Forgive me if i sound so *not knowledgeable*. In a lot of those
news sites, I have seen, I can notice some things they have in common,
like podcasts, vodcasts, video files as well as those things I
mentioned above. Are there prebuilt modules or scripts that can be
called with the django tags into templates? Please indulge this newbie
a little. :-)
Thanks a lot

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