Sure Nikolas I will reconsider your solution.
In case I go for model inheritance then can I use the following solution to
load the class dynamically?

mod = __import__('mysite.departments', fromlist=[form.getDepartment()])

klass = getattr(mod, 'form.getDepartment()')

Rohit Banga

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar <> wrote:

>  I would still argue that the best solution is to use a robust permissions
> model which would preclude this. Wherever there is code, you invariably
> have the potential for security flaws. The more complicated you make that
> code, the more chances for mistakes. On the other hand, simpler code with
> well-defined methods for data access (e.g., maybe you never use
> MyModel.objects, but rather have a custom function for filtering objects
> based on permissions constraints; then you only have to ensure security in
> one place) make for fewer mistakes and a code base which is easier to
> maintain.
> _Nik
> On 9/21/2012 12:26 PM, Rohit Banga wrote:
>  I don't want to filter rows by "userid" since one place we forget the
> filter in the code and there is an unauthorized data access.
>  --
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