
I am running Dovcecot 2.3.19 on Debian, and I am trying to get shared to work.

It's working if I do this:

namespace {
  type = shared
  separator = /
  prefix = Team/%%u/
  location = 
  subscriptions = no
  list = children

After setting some ACLs, I now have the following in `LIST` output:

. LIST "" *
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX
* LIST (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" Team/rechnungseing...@example.org
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Team/rechnungseing...@example.org/Archiv bearbeitete 
. OK List completed (0.003 + 0.000 + 0.007 secs).

However, since I am using Maildir, the default separator is `.`, and so I have to change the separator for the `inbox` namespace, which makes me feel uneasy. The system still uses `.dotted.notation` on the filesystem despite the namespace change, and subfolders and all still work, but it still rubs me the wrong way to do this.

And yet, when I try to use `.` like this:

  separator = .
  prefix = Team.%%u.
  location = 

then nothing shows up in `LIST` output. Any idea why this might be?


martin krafft | https://matrix.to/#/#madduck:madduck.net
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                                                 - friedrich nietzsche
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