>>If you're running XFree86 4.1,
> No, I'm running 4.2. Yesterday I bit the bullet and downloaded the
> entire source tree (quite an adventure down a phone line ...) and
> built from source. All worked fine this time, so there perhaps some
> problem with the binary packages on SF? Perhaps there's a dependence
> on an X11R6 module not included in the binary package?
> Anyhow, so now I have the radeon cvs built and working correctly,
> everything's wonderful (thanks to all the developers!) apart from an
> assertion failure I get repeatedly with our 3D ultrasound application
> (http://svr-www.eng.cam.ac.k/~rwp/stradx). It happens whenever I open
> a new window and make the new context current:
> radeon_vtxfmt.c:1039: radeonVtxfmtUnbindContext: Assertion `vb.context == ctx' 
> It doesn't happen with _every_ context switch, just with a particular
> pair of windows in the application - but it is repeatable with these
> two windows. The problem goes away with RADEON_NO_TCL=1 or
> RADEON_NO_VTXFMT=1, and doesn't appear with any other GL
> implementation we've tried (including mga dri).
> I'd be happy to test patches if anyone's interested in this one ....

This is interesting.  The code to cope with multiple contexts there hasn't had 
a huge amount of testing.  If I download your code, how can I exercise this 


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