Dear Keith -

> This is interesting.  The code to cope with multiple contexts there
> hasn't had a huge amount of testing.  If I download your code, how
> can I exercise this problem?

Thanks for offering to look at this. Here's how to reproduce the
problem. First download the i386 executable from:

Should work out of box, though you'll need a from Lesstif
(included in most recent linux distros, but not older ones).

Start stradx, then open the "Image correlation" window from the
"Calibration" menu, then open the "Segmentation controls" window from
the "Segmentation" menu. That's when I get the assertion
failure. Poking around in the source, the assertion failure happens in
the call to GLwDrawingAreaMakeCurrent (aka glxMakeCurrent) when the
second window is initialising.

Anyone got any idea what's wrong with the SF binaries? I suspect there
would be much more useful testing of the CVS drivers if the binaries



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