I have been having this feeling that DSpace has been made unnecessarily 
complicated by moving to this new angular UI. It is a pain to set up, and 
then it's difficult to troubleshoot.  
What I also don't understand Is why most of the documentation and most of 
the support emails answer the questions thinking that everyone is running 
DSpace locally. I mean, all of the demos, all of the instructions, mention 
"localhost" or "" everywhere. 
I want to publish my repository over the web from an Apache server, but i 
cant find a single post/wiki/article/support mail that can help in running 
the DSpace angular UI behind the Apache Reverse proxy.  So here is the 

My server IP is (This is translated to my Real IP in the 
firewall and then to a domain)
the backend is running on
the frontend is running on
Everything works well, but I can't publish the repository on the web over 
port 4000, so i decided to engage Apache Reverse proxy. With every needed 
mod enabled and setting done, as follows
 <VirtualHost *:80>
        #DSpace backend
        ProxyPass /server
        ProxyPassReverse /server

        # angular UI
        ProxyPass /
        ProxyPassReverse /

With this, I can see my backend OAI page passed through Apache proxy with 
the URL But whenever I open for 
the angular UI, it flashes the Home page for a second and then gives Error 
500. I can't figure out why this is happening; I also have 
"rest.cors.allowed-origins = ${dspace.ui.url}" in my local.cfg file. But 
that, too, is no help. 
I have a running repository on Dspace 6.2, and I am doing this entire 
exercise to upgrade and migrate to Dspace 7. But after bumping into all 
this trouble, I am literally thinking of ditching Dspace and learning 
something new like Invenio Framework, Fedora Commons, or maybe Greenstone. 
Can anyone help, please?

Thank You
Rupinder Singh

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