> >DW_LANG_HIP/DW_LNAME_HIP was assigned first, but for some reason, the
> list was out of order, so when I assigned >DW_LNAME_Assembly, it looked
> like 0x001c was the last code assigned. I think it would be safer to
> reassign >DW_LNAME_Assembly as 0x0029.
> I think it would be safer to just leave well-enough alone. I just updated
> the document to match the website (and make DW_LNAME_HIP = 0x0029). So any
> change causes work for me. Similarly it creates work for anyone who is
> actually trying to use code DW_LNAME_Assembly. Why bother?

Looks like DW_LNAME_HIP never made it into the document after it was
approved. Given the timing, it would make a little more sense to renumber
Assembly instead, but since that's already in the document, and HIP isn't,
I'll renumber HIP. Since this affects the DWARF 6 language codes only, we
shouldn't have to worry about affecting anyone. Heads up, though: if anyone
has started using DW_LNAME_HIP, please be aware of this change!

I've added this as Issue 240423.1

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