The 25th anniversary of PICES is in San Diego, CA from Nov. 1 - 14. I am
co-convening a session entitled "Factors that make or break trophic
linkages" with ecologists, oceanographers, and social scientists. You can
submit an abstract here -

The session description is below:

Mechanistic linkages from physics to phytoplankton to zooplankton to fish
remain central to understanding climate forcing on marine ecosystems. Thus,
it will be useful to understand how ecosystem linkages and species
distribution are influenced by ocean features and how these linkages
translate through the food web. Specifically, what information can be gained
from moving beyond a single linkage (e.g. phytoplankton to zooplankton)
towards a comparison across trophic levels in three very different North
Pacific ecosystems. Examples of such factors may include but are not limited
to broad scale anomalies (e.g. the blob, ENSO events, Kuroshio / Oyashio
dynamics), temporal mismatches among physical processes, prey, and predators
(match / mismatch hypothesis), and population fluctuations (e.g. lipid poor
vs. lipid rich zooplankton). We have suggested (but are not limited to)
three study areas, the California Current, the Kuroshio Current, and the
Bering Sea to examine linkages from physics to phytoplankton, phytoplankton
to zooplankton, zooplankton to fish, birds and mammals, and fish to birds
and mammals. By looking at multiple ecosystems and trends and anomalies
across multiple trophic linkages, we can better understand how climate
variability and anthropogenic forcing may cascade through these marine
ecosystems. We propose a topic session that will involve participation from
multiple PICES committees and will focus on physical forcing and trophic
linkages from physics to top predators. Specifically, we request
presentations on topics that (a) examine how changes in physical
oceanography lead to long term trends or anomalous responses in primary
production, zooplankton, fish, and top predators, (b) examine how trophic
relationships may respond to physical forcing and changes in species
abundance and spatial distribution, and (c) test for threshold responses
(non-linearity) across trophic levels to changes in physical oceanography
and the population dynamics of other species (competitors, prey, and predators).

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