On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 8:12 PM Orion Poplawski <or...@nwra.com> wrote:

> While working on EPEL9, it seems that even more packages are missing
> from RHEL9 than were in RHEL8.  The latest I found was cppunit, which
> appears to be completely missing from the CS9 repos despite having been
> built (See
> https://kojihub.stream.centos.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=2414) and
> presumably in the CS9/RHEL9 buildroot.
> So I scraped some screens from pkgs.org:
> Stream 9:
> CentOS AppStream Official   x86_64 8882
> CentOS BaseOS Official      x86_64 2357
> CentOS CRB Official         x86_64 1856
> Stream 8:
> CentOS AppStream Official   x86_64 15008
> CentOS BaseOS Official      x86_64 6721
> CentOS PowerTools Official  x86_64 3771
Sorry, but those numbers are wrong for a comparison.
There are not 15,000 unique packages in AppStream, not even close.
What I believe you, or they, are counting is the total number of packages
So, if the kernel has been released 15 times since Stream 8 started, then
it's counted as 15.
Because of that, it's natural for the numbers to be bigger, because Stream
8 has been out longer.

If you want the numbers, I can get them.
Last time I checked, RHEL9 was very close to the same number of packages as
It was more, but very close to the same number.

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