Science fiction writer Ron Goulart loves to put examples of rogue technology in 
his stories, usually in humorous circumstances. One relevant example is where a 
guy comes out of the bar, and finds his car won't let him in.

Man: "Unlock the door, Ai."
Car: "Drinking again, I see."
Man: "What? Open the door, dammit!"
Car: "Ain't gonna happen, pal. Your wife said not to let you in if you've been 
Man: " Open up, or I'll break a window to get in!"
Car: "Now, now. I'd just call the cops and have you arrested for breaking and 
entering. Tell you what. There's an all-night diner just a couple miles down 
the road. You walk there and get a cup off coffee to sober up. I'll meet you 
there. Bye, bye!"
And the car drives off by itself.

As usual, SF writers are way ahead of their time.

Too much technology, rushed to market too quickly, with too little testing is 
likely to run into the law of unintended consequences.

Excellence does not require perfection. -- Henry James
Lee A. Hart

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