On 10/24/2016 04:52 AM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> There is a backup/restore feature built into Evolution - File: backup /
> restore.  Use that.  Where Evolution does / does-not store information
> is not something a user should need to know and may change between
> versions.

Every time you recommend this I think, "Are you serious?"

Because _nobody does that_. None of the distro personal backup tools do
it. Absolutely none of the system-level backup tools do it. What, would
it log into each user account, open Evolution and use File:
Backup/Restore? Nope.

If Evolution hasn't yet, just sit down and document all of the file
locations and DConf / GSettings keys.

I'm fairly sure that's already been done but I haven't looked at the
docs lately.

And as I recall Evolution's Backup/Restore isn't even useful as an
upgrade strategy since no one guarantees a newer version can load an
older backup file. A situation that happens on, oh, EVERY SINGLE DISTRO
UPDATE EVER. Especially the 5 year LTS release upgrades.

Why even have the option in the menus? It's nearly useless!
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