Am 21.08.2020 um 21:38 schrieb Gyan Doshi:

Git mystifies me, too. I also did a lot of reading but it was written my Martians.

For the purposes of only generating doc patches, you only need to know and apply a handful of git commands. Most of the supposed difficulties of working with git revolves around nonlinear histories. I see very little potential for that with pure docs work.

You aren't tied to linux either.  ffmpeg is perfectly compile-able and testable on Windows. I do it regularly, but even that's not needed here.

It's nice to know help is available, and that's appreciated. But let me first look around at my old notes and see what all needs to be done. What can be done in the meantime is for someone to start a wiki or blog or forum and solicit, collect & curate requests for documentation changes.
What do users most want answered or documented first?

I have collected some things in chapter 2.115 of my book:

An important first step would be to re-write git-howto.html and explain the git commands more detailed, the whole workflow step by step with many examples. Only the handfull of commands that we really need. Also the new introduced terms should be explained (cloning, push back, remote repository, checkout, tracked branch, rebasing, local branches, commit, master tree, merge commits, patchset).


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