I have finished up the first version of the Firebird 3.0 Language Reference, I used the 2.5 version as starting point, and added new things based on the release notes and the Russian Firebird 3.0 Language Reference, and made corrections based on inspecting the actual syntax and close reading of the existing text.

Before I put the links up on the website, I'd like another set of eyes on it. Not so much content-wise, as more layout-wise (e.g. weird rendering problems), as by now I'm seeing a bit cross-eyed ;)




I committed the document as one large commit. Originally, I had it separated out into individual commits, but somewhere along the way I got sidetracked by making consistency changes all over the document, or a change in one part triggered a revision elsewhere, and in the end I gave up on making incremental commits and decided to just use one commit. My apologies to translators for this, but it was the only way to retain my sanity.

If you need to diff sources to find out what changed, I recommend taking the Firebird 2.5 Language Reference sources, rename them to match the 3.0 version, and split the DDL and Security chapter in similar fashion as done for the 3.0 version (per keyword or subject).

Mark Rotteveel

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