You're probably a victim of the 72dpi bitmap scaling. Since you have the
image as an RFC2397 URL you had to use Batik to load the image as FOP
doesn't support that URL scheme.

One thing you could do is find a Java implementation of RFC2397 which
plugs into Java's own URL handler mechanism. A quick Google search
didn't show any, though. Batik implements RFC2397 in a non-standard way
but maybe you could write a wrapper around it to still provide a normal
Java URL handler as described here:

Sascha Schmidt posted something like this last year. I haven't looked at
it, though:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=1892793

This way you could use an fo:external-graphic instead of an SVG wrapper
which should solve your problem with PDF size.

Hope that helps.

On 11.02.2005 05:55:52 Burlock, Craig (SAPOL) wrote:
> I am trying to produce a pdf document which contains a jpeg image that has
> been generated using svg with base64 data.  The approach does work, however
> the final pdf document is huge!  An essentially empty document with a single
> 40Kb jpeg image produces a 1Mb pdf document.  Is this behaviour normal?
> This is the only time I'm using svg.  My xsl-fo does'nt include any svg
> text.
> Below is an extract of my fop.  Am I doing something wrong?
> <fo:instream-foreign-object content-type="content-type:image/jpeg">
>   <svg:svg height="176mm" width="277mm">
>     <svg:image width="277mm" height="176mm" x="0" y="0"
> xlink:href="data:image/jpeg;base64,
>   </svg:svg>
> </fo:instream-foreign-object>
> This project involved accessing image data which is only available from the
> session.  I tried writing a servlet, but was unable to see the correct
> session from within the servlet.
> Can anyone help me?  I'd hate to abandon fop and produce nasty html reports
> after getting this far!

Jeremias Maerki

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