Using FrameMaker 7.2, unstructured.

This is how the files were transferred to the new location:

1. In Windows, 2000, from the "My computer" icon on the desktop, clicked and
went to the F (network) folder. The files were in CD5 folder >
CDNewOldFolder. The graphics and book files and the book were in this
folder. (Additional versions of book files were here. So to avoid confusion,
the following steps were taken by a dear friend. The agony of move...)
2. Created a new folder "CD5 User Guide Files" outside the CDNewOldFolder
folder in the F Folder (directly under the F folder)
3. From CD CD5NewOld folder, selected the files that were part of the book
and the book file, and moved it to the new folder.

Now the files in the new folder in which I am working and making changes to
the files point to the old files in the cross references. After changing all
the references to the new folder, no more broken cross-reference show.
Should I expect the cross references I add from now on to behave or start to
breaking to the old folder?

Resolution with your kind feedback:

1. Backup all folders to a CD.
2. Delete the old folder saved under "old files" folder.
3. rename the new folder to the old name CDNewOldFolder, keep the graphics
files this folder as they are.

Other small problems:

1. I kept the same names the files were save under in version 4.0 about four
years ago. Re-naming them while the book is open should be okay, right? Will
try it when all other problems are over.
2. One of the cross-references came up under the code name "bumble bees" for
a chapter name!

Thank you. I think I am on the right track by saving the book under the
original folder name.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ridder, Fred []
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 2:35 PM
To: Nandini Garud
Subject: RE: How to de-select Cross-references

I find myself asking once again, "How did you transfer the files
to the new location?"  Was it from FrameMaker using Save As?
Or did you do it from Windows?  And if you did it from Windows,
what method did you use?  The behavior is *totally* different if
you do this kind of operation from FrameMaker vs. from Windows,
and there may be differences between different Windows mechanisms
as well.

Also, were the component files (e.g. chapters) in the same directory
as the corresponding .book files?  If not, that may be the root of your

The bottom line may be that the simplest way to fix your problem
is to forget about the existing .book files and simply build new ones
that reference the relocated component files. This should literally
be no more than 10 minutes effort for each book. If it were I, I'd
try this right now on one book that you know has issues to see
if it's a workable solution.

My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
Fred Ridder (fred dot ridder at intel dot com)
Parsippany, NJ

-----Original Message-----
[ at] On
Behalf Of Nandini Garud
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 5:03 PM
To: arobotti at
Cc: framers at
Subject: How to de-select Cross-references

Dear Framers,

Because there were too many versions of the book files in the folder
"Old-New" on the network drive F, we created a new folder "CD5 Book
on the same network drive F and transferred the latest copies and the
to that folder. As Frame started looking for the graphics in the old
(duh!) we transferred the graphics folder there as well.

Now the cross-references (about 100 of them altogether) look to the
files in
the "Old-New" folder instead of the files in the new "CD5 Book Files".
I go into Edit "update references" and choose the new folder "CD5 Book
Files" It works for the files outside the current chapter, but for the
current chapter, I have to go inside the file and choose the
and update it again. These are correct x-references, but the format for
cross-reference comes up as for chapter 4, although the reference is to
chapter 5, 6, 3...

After updating, when I check the reference, it's the same problem all

Would it help to move the book to the "Old-New folder?" We saved it
"CD5 Old Book Files."

After I chose "save every 5 minutes" in the preferences, "auto" copies
been created for the files I updated. FrameMaker prompts me whether I
to use those files as the latest saves may be there. Is this why my
cross-reference are not taking effect? When I selected edit > update
references from the files, I am directed to the file with the .auto

Should I delete the auto files and save the original files? Will the
cross-references work then and remain working?

Sorry for a detailed question.



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