Thank you very much for your suggestions, Fred, Art, and Anne.

Fred, you are right about problems moving in Windows 2000. I  have one new
folder, on network drive F (this is part of problem) which contains files
moved from the old folder in Windows 2000. I did not move them from
FrameMaker 7.2 with "save as", but in Windows Explorer, grabbed each file
and dropped it in the new folder along with the graphics folder. The
graphics are looking to this new folder location after showing correct
position for first few graphics.
Art, thanks for suggesting the Archive utility. According to the owner, it
won't work with the broken references. It will only put all connected book
files and graphics in one place.
Anne, the idea to rename the folder is excellent, the support guy at Adobe
told me it won't work because the files in the book look to the original
folder. Apparently, they are not fooled by this trick!
I did download and install the patch to 7.2: FM7.2b158. That updated book
successfully with about 95 "missing fonts" messages. But the
cross-references did not crop up because I had deselected the option to
update them while chatting with support from Adobe.
However, the files which I still have the same names as those in the old
folder AND for version 4 (this is version 5), are referring to the old
folder, even after I go to references, and point them to the new location. I
have renamed the files saved in the C folder while saving them from open
FrameMaker files individually. When opened, they each have 5 - 16 missing
cross-references. Apparently, they are looking at the new folder on the F
drive. I have no guarantee that after fixing these references they will

My actions to troubleshoot:

1. Created a new folder for the book files and graphics in the local drive
2. Went to Drive F, opened the working book. Opened all files. Saved them
with save as on Local Drive C, in a new folder along with the Graphics
3. Created a new book, added all files in the C drive book folder in the
book. Opened the book and all files. Tried to update book. No missing
cross-references message generated. About 100 missing fonts messages
generated. Tried to print book to PDF, no result. PDF of fonts messages
worked ok. However, when checked individual files, have missing references.
Why they do not show up while updating book, is a mystery. The TOC, Index do
not get updated either. So looks like the book is not getting updated, nor
is it generating missing cross references.
4. When I update the book by choosing "update cross references option alone,
only "missing fonts" messages come up. We can buy new fonts, but doesn't
FrameMaker give these messages regularly?  Times, Times Bold, Times Italic,
Times Bold Italic Zapdingbats, Helvetica Oblique, Helvetica" "Helvetica Bold
Oblique", "Avant-Garde DemiBold" Fonts are not available.
5. Updated all cross-references to look at the C folder renamed files.

Should I expect the book to behave? I really appreciate this. The paid for
support did not come up with these great suggestions.


P.S. After trying to update the book, gave messages about 7204, 6109922,
7778420, 0. Instruction at 0x0025199f referenced memory at 0x00000000...
memory cannot be read. Had to quit program.

Only those files for which I had fixed cross-references and the Index and
TOC generated "recover" files in an earlier crash, while the fixed files and
Index generated "auto" ("save every x minutes" is not selected) files in the
second crash. After the crash, all the cross-references reverted to the
broken state.


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