Perry Hutchison wrote:
>>> Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1?
>>> AbiWord and OpenOffice both require Gnome, which won't build.
>> What do you mean: which won't build? No problems here - I recently 
>> compiled both. They don't require the full gnome package.
> Both of them (and also Dia) require Glib, which won't build for me.
> I posted details of the failure to freebsd-gnome a day or two ago.

Looking at that post it seems something failed when you tried to update
your ports collection.

I'd suggest you delete it (keep distfiles though so you won't have to
fetch again), unpack again the ports.tgz, then install cvsup and update
the ports collection using that.

If you installed programs from packages when you installed the system,
you may get problems with version conflicts installing from an updated
ports collection - this happens usually when the last release is getting
old. In that case, maybe you should clean out the system, deinstall all
packages, update ports and start again. This takes time .... but given
that 6.2 is coming up.

Cheers, Erik
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