That's wrong.

Am 03.11.2008 um 15:59 schrieb Jonathan McKeown <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:

On Monday 03 November 2008 16:17:20 Bob McConnell wrote:

[Jonathan to joeb via freebsd-questions]
I don't know whether it's you or your email client, but your quoting
is hideously broken. Please fix it.

It's his email client. Microsoft Lookout will no longer do standard
quoting and forces top posting of replies. I am also required to use it by our IT department policies and have to manually reformat each message
I reply to. There used to be an option that could be set to get angle
bracket quoting, but that disappeared in the update from MS-Office 2000
to 2003.

The top line, "-----Original Message-----", is the clue that he is using
the Microsoft client. That is its standard separator for all replies.
Yes, it is a major pain. I really do prefer Thunderbird.

I'm used to seeing the original message starting with its headers in the
Outlook style - that's not what's confusing me here.

joeb, I don't mean to be rude but I find your posts hard to read (and I've seen others comment so as well), because instead you somehow end up with the original headers AFTER the original message, which is unexpected, and your response after that again - looking as though it belongs to the original
header block.
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