On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 23:45:16 -0800, Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:26:22PM -0700, Tim Judd wrote:
> > You can always try to tar it up directly
> > 
> > tar -czf /dev/acd0 ~kline/ ~devel/
> > 
> > Good luck.
>       I do tar ~kline --bzip'd-- and scp it around.  3 times/week.  I
>       want my most important stuff, ~/[DOT] files too, on a DVD.
>       Y'never know when a meteor will destroy the Earth... .

Using tar onto acd may not work, but utilizing atapicam, it could
eventually work with cd directly:

        % tar cvjf /dev/cd0 ~/.* ~/devel ~/music ~/texts

But this does not (!) make the media mountable! You may see that
as a disadvantage, but maybe it's not: You can access it now
directly without needing to mount it, and you can extract from
it by selection, e. g.

        % tar xvjf /dev/cd0 ~/music

to only extract the music/ subtree.

The tar "file system" is best for interoperability because (if
I may say this) every UNIX-like OS can read tar, no matter if you
put it n discs, disks, tapes or even hard disks or USB sticks.

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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