On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 11:37:51PM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 02:48:11AM +0100, Polytropon wrote:
> > Create an ISO-9660 file system with a standard RockRidge extension.
> > This would allow you to master a file system for the CD or DVD which
> > is usually represented by a .iso file.
>       So if I use my space in /usr/tmp, would I use the cmd given by
>       cpghost:
>       % mkisoft -R -J -o cdr.iso /usr/tmp/cdr/  ?  If this wouldn't
>       % create the RockRidge extension, what then?

The -R (or -r) flag creates the rockridge extensions, and -J creates
the Joliet extensions (for Windows). This way, you get a hybrid DVD/CD
image that is mountable on both Unix and Windows. It can be useful,
since you never know which OS you'll be using when you need to read
the DVD/CD back.

> > For a DVD, you need growisofs.
> > 
> >     % growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd=/tmp/kline.iso

Yes, but keep in mind that /dev/dvd points to /dev/acd0 and
not to /dev/cd0:

  $ ls -l /dev/dvd
  lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  4 Jan 23 15:35 /dev/dvd -> acd0

IIRC, growisofs needs atapicam, i.e. /dev/cd0, but I may be mistaken.

> > As a sidenote, I just like to mention that you don't need to use an
> > ISO-9660 filesystem. Because we're on FreeBSD here, you can use any (!)
> > file system on a CD or DVD, such as UFS or tar (check advantages and
> > disadvantages).
>       OK, then what about the mount, umount commands?
>       % mount /dev/cd0 /mnt
>       // cd to /dev/dv0, read, listen, whatever.  Then::
>       % umount /dev/cd0
>       ??   Would this work with our FBSD filesystem and-or RockRidge?
>       gary

If you use tar to write to CD/DVD, you can't mount that directly
(unless it's supported as a special fusefs filesystem).

If you write a UFS filesystem to CD/DVD, you can mount it from
FreeBSD (and probably other BSDs like NetBSD, OpenBSD, ...), but
not from, say, Windows. So yes, it will work on FreeBSD.

If you write an ISO-9660 filesystem on the CD/DVD, you can mount it
from FreeBSD/Linux/Unix/... and Windows. It will work.

As archive, I'd recommend a filesystem that can be mounted by
as many platforms as possible, and that is currently ISO-9660
with RockRidge and Joliet. You just need to be aware of the
fact, that you could also put other filesystem types or even
raw tar archives on the CD/DVD if you prefer.


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