First, be careful about statements like "10 years before it fails to hold
state." Usually that means if you write data to the device and put it on a
shelf, you've got 10 years before the data is unreadable. Being marketing

possibly it's true if you will write it few times and no more ;) store it in perfect stable room temperature with low natural radiation background etc.

for a decade? The number you probably care about is how long _in active
use_ the drive will last, and that's probably _not_ 10 years. The primary

10000 writes of it's size if it would be properly managed (flash filesystem). As it emulates disk divide it by at least two on writing large files, at least 20 in case of random small writes.

is less noticeable. Implementing wear leveling in OS-level software
isn't feasible. As I mentioned, wear leveling happens within the chip,
so the OS doesn't even know a block swap has occurred. (As an extension

you are wrong. flash chips doesn't do this. There is a controller that do this. If it would give simple interface to flash chips and say PCI-Express or SATA, making proper flash filesystem would be possible.
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