On Wed 24 Jun 2009 at 02:32:24 PDT free...@t41t.com wrote:

The lifetime and reliability of SSDs are less-than-or-equal-to the
lifetime and reliability of spinning magnetic drives, so don't buy an SSD
for that. Whether SSDs use less power is an open question. There's a lot
of data going either way. The last comparison I saw suggested spinning
drives average less power than their SSD counterparts. In any event, it's
not clear-cut yet. SSDs probably do generate less heat (but I've not seen
data on that). Of course, the access time on an SSD is order(s) of
magnitude less than for a spinning drive, and that's cause enough for
lots of people to buy one.

SSD's are/should also be favored in devices that are prone to mechanical
shocks.  E.g., tablet PC's, and handheld devices like cellphones, music
players or game players.
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