Fbsd1 <fb...@a1poweruser.com> writes:

> Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>> Fbsd1 <fb...@a1poweruser.com> writes:
>>> But that is not true. The postfix port populates /usr/bin.
>> By default, it does not.  You have to enable the "Install into /usr and
>> /etc/postfix" configuration option for it to do so.  I don't recommend
>> that anyone do it without a *really* good reason.  Turn that option back
>> off and you'll be fine.
> Your wrong. I installed the package of postfix and it installed it
> self into /usr/bin with out any help from me.

Believe it or not, I checked before responding, so I'm *not* wrong.  I
said that the port populates into /usr/local like it should, and having
it on several machines for nearly a decade now, I knew that to be the
case.  You then changed that to refer to a package rather than a port; I
don't know where you got your packages from, but I checked the packages
for 8-STABLE and for 8.0-RELEASE, and saw that they install into
/usr/local as well.  So it sounds like your packages didn't come from
the FreeBSD project, if they are really installing anything into

Just as a sanity check:  what, specifically, is installed into /usr/bin
on your system?  Most of the postfix executables go into sbin rather
than bin anyway, so it's possible that something in the mailwrapper
system is confusing you.  If you don't have a /usr/local/sbin/postfix,
but have a /usr/sbin/postfix instead, then this is not the case.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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