On 11/4/10 1:29 AM, Polytropon wrote:
On Wed, 3 Nov 2010 21:51:04 -0500, Ryan Coleman<ryan.cole...@cwis.biz>  wrote:
He likely won't.  This was pointed out to him two months ago
and nothing's been fixed.
Seems to be fine from here:

% nslookup -type=any thought.org

Non-authoritative answer:
thought.org     mail exchanger = 10 ethic.thought.org.
thought.org     nameserver = ns2.everydns.net.
thought.org     nameserver = ns1.thought.org.

Authoritative answers can be found from:

% host ethic.thought.org
ethic.thought.org has address

% host ns1.thought.org
ns1.thought.org has address

% host ns2.everydns.net
ns2.everydns.net has address
% ping -c 3 ns2.everydns.net
PING ns2.everydns.net ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=54 time=107.684 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=107.073 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=107.046 ms

--- ns2.everydns.net ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 107.046/107.268/107.684/0.295 ms

Or am I misreading that?

You're overlooking the fact that ns2.everydns.net refuses to respond to queries about thought.org, though it is happy to respond to queries about everydns.net. When half the servers for your zone refuse to answer, things work less than 100%. On the other hand, I don't think things are completely broken. Actually they're less broken than Gary's DNS frequently is; it gets discussed on a regular basis for a reason.

So is the last octet of ns1.thought.org's address 209 or 210?  ;-)


--Jon Radel
Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

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