On 13/05/2011 05:29, Dale Scott wrote:
> It's pretty general question, but is it typically standard procedure
> for a utility building using the GNU tool chain to be able to install
> itself into /usr/local/bin? E.g. "# gmake install" ?? Is there
> anything a newb can check for without having to fully understand the
> complete build procedure (and not destroy my system in the process)?
> The mdbtools port is based on the last official release of the
> project - v0.5 in 2003. I've compiled the current head of the project
> from github in a personal directory and tests have passed (I'm using
> a php app with mdb-export to copy data from a Jet4 database to
> MySQL). Now I'd like to put the executables in /usr/local/bin for
> shared access (in place of the utilities installed by the
> mdbtools-0.5 port). The project builds using the GNU tool chain
> without any customizations (using config and gmake). I'd prefer to do
> this properly with a port, but until the project has had an official
> release and I've learned how to create a port, are there any
> shortcuts? I naively tried copying what I thought were the
> executables, and then discovered they were shell scripts that only
> ran from the build directory. Huh?
> Could it be as simple as "# gmake install" (and that not be a
> horribly stupid thing to try)?

If you're using autotools for the configuration part (which is pretty
standard) then essentially, yes: 'gmake install' should put binaries
into appropriate locations.  Make sure that you specify /usr/local as
the prefix when running configure.  It should be the default, but
there's no guarrantee.



PS. You might be able to preview the installation action without
installling anything by 'gmake -n install' -- sometimes this gives
useful info, others not.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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