[ ...combining replies for brevity... ]

On Aug 15, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Frank Leonhardt <fra...@fjl.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm reading all this with interest. The first thing I'd have tried would be 
> tar (and probably netcat) but I'm a probably bit of a dinosaur. (If someone 
> wants to buy me some really big drives I promise I'll update). If it's really 
> NFS or nothing I guess you couldn't open a socket anyway.

Either tar via netcat or SSH, or dump / restore via similar pipeline are quite 
traditional.  tar is more flexible for partial filesystem copies, whereas the 
dump / restore is more oriented towards complete filesystem copies.  If the 
destination starts off empty, they're probably faster than rsync, but rsync 
does delta updates which is a huge win if you're going to be copying changes 
onto a slightly older version.

Anyway, you're entirely right that the capabilities of the source matter a 
great deal.
If it could do zfs send / receive, or similar snapshot mirroring, that would 
likely do better than userland tools.

> I'd be interested to know whether tar is still worth using in this world of 
> volume managers and SMP.


On Aug 15, 2013, at 12:14 PM, aurfalien <aurfal...@gmail.com> wrote:
[ ... ]
>>>>> Doin 10Gb/jumbos but in this case it don't make much of a hoot of a diff.
>>>> Yeah, probably not-- you're almost certainly I/O bound, not network bound.
>>> Actually it was network bound via 1 rsync process which is why I broke up 
>>> 154 dirs into 7 batches of 22 each.
>> Oh.  Um, unless you can make more network bandwidth available, you've 
>> saturated the bottleneck.
>> Doing a single copy task is likely to complete faster than splitting up the 
>> job into subtasks in such a case.
> Well, using iftop, I am now at least able to get ~1Gb with 7 scripts going 
> were before it was in the 10Ms with 1.

1 gigabyte of data per second is pretty decent for a 10Gb link; 10 MB/s 
obviously wasn't close saturating a 10Gb link.


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