JJB wrote:

My web spider robot found this web site which is not on any of the
search engines yet.
Looks like it offers what you want in the way of user-friendly
step-by-step instructions to installing FBSD.

1) Surreptitiously plugging your own site, is crass, at best. 2) Not telling him you charge for everything there, is devious.

Perhaps you should also tell him that when you respond to posts for help, on this list, that you frequently ignore the person's questions and instead rant on about the evils of whatever it is they are trying to do/use. Perhaps you should tell him that, at least in the area of networking, you haven't got a clue about what you are talking about (I specifically refer you to the completely inaccurate information you gave me regarding, for instance, the generation of fragments.)

Based on the many posts of yours that I've seen, on this list and another, I've concluded that you do know some things and have some usefull information to impart, but that your ranting and mis-information obscure them to such a degree that you're comments are not worth paying much attention too.


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