On Jun 29, 2011, at 9:28 AM, John Walsh wrote:

Families/individuals should manage their own personal identities through their own domain name, but instead most people have Google and Facebook manage their personal identities - nobody would do this in the real world.

exactly john,

but you know what makes twitter and facebook BIG so they called it "the social revolution " ?

it wasnt java script or CSS this was invented way before , it was IMHO http://oauth.net so it gives the user the ability

to "comment" " sign up" or "like" without registering or confirmation, One klick partizipation is the magic of our social life

The Exchange of profile information with oauth made the world simpler but raised a lot of privacy concerns because you cant verify each app that pulls your information out of facebook or twitter.

So i believe the freedombox needs something similar, like http://openid.net or http://oauth.net
 for example because we have centralised  identity providers  allready




--  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
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