Hi Eric,
Do you recall the items in norton utilities?
If not, I can post a list of the various tools?
I am hoping for a  collection of options if that resonates.
Norton for example lets you create a repair boot disc, which would be a fine start. that disc then had items to check your hard drive stability, to repair problems, manage formatting those sorts of things.
Does that help?
Will certainly check out the item you referenced here too.

On Tue, 14 May 2024, Eric Auer via Freedos-user wrote:

Hi Karen,
please specify the type of diagnostics you would be interested in.

For example PCISLEEP can give you a list of PCI devices in your PC,
but you seem to be interested in disk or filesystem analysis etc.?

Maybe tools which display the SMART health status of your disks?
I remember having used tools for that and to configure disk sleep.
SMARTUDM (1997-2003-?) from sysinfolab was one I tried. No idea
whether there are variants supporting post-IDE/ATA/SATA drives.
SMARTDFT / DFT 3.00 also displayed or logged SMART disk status.

Regards, Eric

PS: Interesting to notice that Veit's tools still exist on

 My hope is that there is also dos based  software supporting the care and
 diagnostics of that infrastructure?

 For example,  while I have Norton Utilities for DOS, it cannot see my
 larger drives and so forth.

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