> Now after some time now after working on FreeType I am getting
> familiar with the code base.


> After studying the proposed projects I would like to work upon 'the
> integration of VFlib's TeX format drivers into FreeType' as my the
> GSOC project.  I am currently studying VFlib and trying to figure
> out its working.  Can you please help me how should I proceed
> further with the project.

Do you have any experience with TeX?  I forgot to mention in the GSoC
description that this is a strong recommendation.

I've just updated the information on


regarding the canonic references of the PK, GF, and VF font formats.
Please check again.

Regarding the implementation, you should have a look at bitmap drivers
already present in FreeType (`winfonts', `pcf', `bdf'; `winfonts' is
the simplest one).  Essentially, you have to implement the necessary
methods of the module's `FT_Driver_ClassRec' structure.


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