On Saturday, 12 August 2023 at 17:17:47 BST, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> 
> > It is one of those things I never remember - winding rule of
> > truetype and postscript are different, one is even-odd, the other is
> > non-zero.  [...]

> You are on the completely wrong track here.  What I'm talking about is
> strictly local and not (directly) related to having two different
> contours.  For example, to recognize stems and serifs, the contour
> must be the same.  In case you are not aware of how the auto-hinter
> collects 'segments' and 'edges', please read

>   https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb24-3/lemberg.pdf

> which still gives a good overview (inspite of its age and some changed
> details here and there).
Argh, sorry :-).


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