On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Bill Page wrote:
The Axiom interface that is included in TeXmacs already works with
FriCAS but you might be interested in alternative interfaces such as
described here:

The idea here (in Novosibirsk) is to write a new TeXmacs plugin, without tm_axiom. FriCAS is free :-), and hence we can teach it to speak the TeXmacs interface directly. The first thing any interface needs is to recognize prompts.

As far as I remember, a new mechanism was introduced into FriCAS some time ago: markers. But it seems there is no documentation. Does anybody know how to use it? In particular, how to insert some markers before and after each prompt?

After we do this, the next step will be the infamous problem of *two* prompts at the startup. Any interface will be confused by it. It would be much better to solve this problem where it appears, not to search for work-arounds. And it has been solved in OpenAxiom. Can FriCAS import this improvement from OpenAxiom somehow?


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