Op 10-08-12 17:03, Gunnar Wolf schreef:
> Ok. As for the only graphics card in a hypothetical single-board
> computer that, besides that card, can be used with free software: "you
> have the option not to have video at all. We recommend you not to have
> video - Hey, who needs it after all? But anyway, if you want to use
> this piece of hardware, you can search for the relevant non-free
> firmware and it will work"

Bad example! You could use a serial interface, SSH, or even an
usb-attached videocard [1].

When a videocard needs firmware to operate, this is normally loaded
before the OS starts, after that you normally have text-mode and VESA
for the OS.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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