Op 11-08-12 01:00, Karl Goetz schreef:
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2012, 04:13:00 EST, Paul van der Vlis <p...@vandervlis.nl
> <mailto:p...@vandervlis.nl>> wrote:
>> Op 10-08-12 19:17, Gunnar Wolf schreef:
>> > Their experience would be better if they also got really free
>> > hardware, of course. I have suffered half-done closed controllers, and
>> > that has taught me the value of documented hardware and free
>> > firmware+controllers.
>> Think about this: it's possible now to install MacOS on a normal PC. But
>> then you have the same installation-shit as with Linux. It's difficult,
>> bad documented, and in many cases the result is not 100%. But when you
>> buy hardware what made for MacOS, then everything works great. The same
>> I would like for Linux.
> It works becuase the os includes the drivers it needs to run on the
> hardware it got bundled on. Just like systems that ship with solaris,
> windows, red hat, etcetera pre installed.

There is more then including drivers. When you test something well, you
will find also the little things.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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