Op 11-08-12 01:05, Karl Goetz schreef:

> Not sure i follow - people who want to use free software so much they
> contribute to an fsf free distro will be very unlikely to start working
> on a nonfree repo.

That's an intersting point.

People who like to have nonfree stuff in Debian would not like to make
something as nonfree.org. Because what they have now is fine.

People who do not like to have nonfree stuff in Debian, they would not
like to make something as nonfree.org because they don't like nonfree.

So who would like to give energy to something like nonfree.org?
It must be someone who likes to have a free system, but also uses
sometimes nonfree stuff.

With regards,

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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