Op 11-08-12 05:21, Mason Loring Bliss schreef:
> And since it's probably not reasonable for me to ask that this freak be
> removed, I'll do it one better and remove myself from the list. 

For me it'a difficult to understand english when it becomes
non-technical, but e.g. cynical. But aren't you overreacting?

What I saw in the past was a discussion about "Debian is allready free,
because non-free and contrib are not a part of Debian". I think you
should accept that not all others here share your opinion. Some things
are maybe *theoretically* correct, but a feeling can say something else.
And it's difficult to see all those little differences between e.g.
"Debian the project" and "Debian the distribution".

> I don't see anything productive happening in any event. 

I see productive discussions about important issues.
But we are waiting for Stefano too.

I would like to ask Bryan not to reply to Mason on a funny way.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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