On 08/14/2012 05:50 AM, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> For the sake of list "governance": I concur that, to ensure healthy 
> discussions, tones are as important as mail content. Which is why
> --- wearing my list administrator admin --- I've asked Bryan both
> publicly on this list (first) and privately (then) to avoid
> inflammatory comments.

Which I've taken on board, if you'll excuse the metaphor. Mr. Bliss, Mr.
Gilbert, and Mr. Finney may not listen to it, but my exception wasn't
that some or any of them wanted to explain what _they_ thought to me. It
was the pernicious insistence on telling me what to think, how to think,
and that any thoughts other then their thoughts are confusion. Hence the
Orwellian references. There are four lights.

> We'd rather stay idle as list admins and not have to do anything, so
> please behave :-)

I overreacted to the problem as described above. I apologize.

> I'm sorry to learn from this exchange that past "heated" exchanges
> have driven Mason away. If there is some margin to reconsider the
> decision, please do; otherwise, I'd understand.

I'd rather not have Mr. Bliss leave, either. I've taken on something
valuable from his participation, and would like to continue doing so.

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