Le 15/11/2011 15:30, Arnaud Quette a écrit :
So, would you be interested in working with me on this topic?
How can we proceed?
Which kind of integration would be best, ie providing a formated files,
or using languages binding or program calls?
Hellp Arnaud.

This is quite interesting idea. Especially if you're willing to provide the code directly :P

The first point is to determine how to extract UPS informations. In fusioninventory, they are currently two different ways for this: - local devices are managed in local inventory task, using whatever command/tool available - remote devices (thoses with an IP adress, basically) are managed in net inventory task, using only SNMP currently

Some kind of devices, such as printers, can belong to both categories: small ones are locally controlled on a specific host, while larger ones are autonomous. I guess UPS are quite similar in this regard, some of them being attached by an USB link to a controller host, others having their own network device, right ?

In this case, UPS support would mean two additional pieces of code.

Local inventory support is just a matter of adding a new additional inventory module, in perl, for the local inventory task. There is also a new section definition to add to the inventory data structure, but that's trivial to do.

Remote inventory support is a bit more complex. First, we need an SNMP description model (just a mapping of OIDs against specific known properties), but as currently this task only manage printers and network devices, we also need to define those properties, and add explicit support in the task code itself.

So, the easiest way to start would be the local support. Have a look at the generic local printer module, in the 2.2.x branch, it should give you some idea on how to proceed:

Of course, feel free to ask if I'm not clear enough.

BOFH excuse #258:

That's easy to fix, but I can't be bothered.

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