Le 11/11/2014 16:59, Marco Gaiarin a écrit :
However, you should really use a decent platform for this kind of
task: Centos/RHEL 5 is 7 years old already, and suffer from other
outdated perl packages issues, such as IO::Socket::SSL, for

As stated, these are PBX system, and probably i'm just breaking my
support contract installing another software, there's no way to upgrade
to more modern distro...
Use another system, or a virtual machine in that case. Anyway, this isn't related to your current issue.

Anyway, i'm really frustrated: it is two month that i try to make SNMP
inventory work, without any success... :(((
Given the lack of documentation and the state of the code, I really doubt anyone has been able to make it work without external help either...

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