Hi Kevin,

It seems to be only for KVM. I am using OpenVZ :-(


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Fusioninventory-user 
 De la part de Kevin Roy
Envoyé : mardi 26 mai 2015 14:27
À : FusionInventory User discussion
Objet : Re: [Fusioninventory-user] Container OpenVZ (Proxmox) and UUID

Hi Matthieu,

On 26 May 2015 at 14:17,  <matthieu.m...@ensam.eu> wrote:
>> It's a strange behavior, UUID may be unique, so not normal.
> There is another problem.
> I managed to make dmidecode work on openvz container.
> vzctl set $VEID --devnodes mem:r --save and vzctl set $ VEID 
> --capability sys_rawio:on --save
> restart the openvz container and dmidecode is working.
> BUT !
> The UUID found is the UUID of the host (my proxmox). So, both host and guest 
> have the same UUID.
> I think, it will be interesting to make the guest UUID using the host UUID 
> and the VM ID, and to make the VIRTUALMACHINE entry of the host using the 
> same format (UUID + VM ID).
> So that, the UUID will be unique, and we will be able to have several host 
> server with guest having the same VM ID.

According to proxmox forums [1], you should generate and set the UUID manually 
to your VMID.conf.

Kevin Roy

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