Le 14/08/2015 16:36, Joseph Carroll a écrit :
Thanks and hope someone can shed some light on these issues I'm facing.
Ok, let's try to sort issues...

The agent *installer* is just the piece of code that extract files from the executable archive, install them on disk, and eventually preset configuration directive in the registry. That means than 75% of supported command-line switches, such as /server, or /no-ssl, are actually not *installer* options, but *agent* options... I personally find this very confusing, but the *installer* maintainer thought it was useful for the end user, as it avoided him to manually edit the registry. As a consequence, there is no ssl-related code in the installer, and your problem is actually an agent problem.

So, you can forget about the installer. You can also ignore the configuration stored in the registry, and use command line switches to get a relevant trace, ie: <path>/perl <path>/fusioninventory-agent --config none --logger stderr --debug --debug --debug --server https://your.glpi.server

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