Is kinda funny that you ask what I'm doing, Peter. Sounds like unless I'm
being paid for WMF to deal with Gender Gap I shouldn't have a voice, and
shut the f*** up. But anyway....

You wanna know what I'm doing? I tell you: I'm organizing not one, but 2
conferences with focus in the women in this movement.  The first one is the
- already announced here -
and the second (1 day after this one) is a Gender Gap specify conference
who will happens in the same place and city (more about this one soon). I
also already made a presentation about Gender Gap to an event in India:

Now I'm qualified to talk?
*Béria Lima*
Wikimedia Portugal <>
(351) 963 953 042

*Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
construir esse sonho. <>*

On 25 December 2011 20:04, Pete Forsyth <> wrote:

> Hi Beria,
> Yes, that is why I'm here as well. And I confess that right now, I do not
> have a grand theory of how to fix it all; but I'm glad to talk about, or
> work on, little ideas while the big ideas percolate.
> Beria, you and I have both been here for a long time, both on the Gender
> Gap list and on Wikimedia projects generally. And unless I'm missing
> something, I don't think either of us have offered up a plan of how to
> explore or reduce the gender gap. I agree with you that posts like Sarah's
> are probably not getting to the core of the gender gap issue (and I suspect
> she would agree) -- but personally, I don't think they do any harm, and I
> do think they help people on this list find opportunities to work together
> and begin to develop working relationships.
> But..that's beside the point. How about if you and I both make an effort
> to suggest issues this list could take on that would be useful? I would be
> very interested to hear how you would like to approach things, and I could
> probably manage to string together my thoughts in a useful way as well.
> What do you think? Let's propose some alternative, or additional,
> directions the discussion here might take.
> -Pete
> On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Béria Lima <>wrote:
>> *I'm looking forward to hearing what Caroline would like to discuss, or
>>> Beria.*
>> Well Peter, when I come here (the day the list was created) the idea was
>> to create a list to discuss HOW TO REDUCE GENDER GAP (in caps to make it
>> more clear), that was the propose and that was the one I accepted.
>> So far, I saw lots of discussions about articles and images, and
>> very little about the main objective of this list. I'm asking too much that
>> we actually start discuss what we came here to discuss? I don't think so.
>> _____
>> *Béria Lima*
>> Wikimedia Portugal <>
>> (351) 963 953 042
>> *Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
>> livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
>> construir esse sonho. <>*
>> On 25 December 2011 19:41, Pete Forsyth <> wrote:
>>> Agreed. On Christmas (or any other day), I am thankful this list helps
>>> move things forward in a variety of ways, for a variety of different
>>> people. I'm looking forward to hearing what Caroline would like to discuss,
>>> or Beria. But glad to know your thoughts on "pimp" and "madam" sarah, and
>>> to see a suggested path to improving wikipedia content. I do enjoy that
>>> stuff the most. Collabotative encyclopedia writing is fucking awesome, and
>>> I love how everybody goes about it a little differently.
>>> Pete
>>> On Dec 25, 2011 11:25 AM, "Ole Palnatoke Andersen" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Sarah Stierch <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> > It's a shame that my posts have been so bothersome for the list, I
>>>> never
>>>> > knew that I was only making things worse, or not helping at all.
>>>> I, for one, do not find your posts bothersome.
>>>> I find no problem with having one gender-neutral article for barbers
>>>> and hairdressers or for pimps and madams, but I do find it better to
>>>> have *two* good articles on the respective subjects.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ole
>>>> --
>>>> * @palnatoke * +4522934588
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