
> *bq. It belongs in LICENSE not NOTICE only copyright notices that have been
> removed (by or with the permission of the owner) get listed in NOTICE*
> Since Guava is also with ALv2, referring to [1], my understanding is that:
> 1. There should be no copyright notice in the header (#2)
> 2. We need to move the copyright to the NOTICE file associated with each
> applicable project release (#1.b)
> And referring to [2], "Copyright notifications which have been relocated,
> rather than removed, from source files must be preserved in NOTICE (unless
> embedded in MIT/BSD license)". I'm not sure whether reserving the copyright
> in Spark way means "relocate", but if it is, then it seems the copyright
> should occur (be reserved) in NOTICE.

Sorry that's not correct as:
- Relocated in this context means that the owner has given the software to the 
ASF (usually via a software grant).
- Guava is 3rd party software so it needs to be mentioned in LICENSE.
- Guava is not an ASF project so its header would have a copyright line

This will probably help [1]

Kind Regards,

1. https://infra.apache.org/licensing-howto.html#alv2-dep
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