On 05/03/2023 18:41, Dale wrote:
I edited the file they say with kwrite.  Even after I restart openvpn,
the IP they want is there but it doesn't use it according to the site
they sent for me to check it with.  It shows other IP addresses.  I'm
sure I'm missing something, likely something simple, but I can't figure
out how to make it work.  I don't know if it is because I'm using openrc
or what.

Anyone have a idea on how to make this work?

resolv.conf tells DNS where to look. That's not openrc/systemd specific.

There's another file - can't remember its name - that tells your resolver what to try in what order - the hosts file, dns, what dhcp told you, etc etc, so your resolver might not be using dns the way you think.

I can't get that to work, either. I want my hosts file to take priority, but it's ignored.

And then, of course, to really screw you over your ISP might be hijacking dns.


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