I don't see any advantage in having a distributed issue tracker, maybe there
are some, but I think issue tracking is a central and unique service. You
don't want (at least I don't see a reason for) Q&A, testing and management
to have a clone of your repositories for adding bug reports. And you
definitely don't want to have some issues added to a fork and not the main

Having a pluggable system, for supporting chiliproject, redmine, jira,
bugzilla, or some other issue tracker is probably the best solution on the
long run.

Just my 2 cents.



On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 2:59 AM, Christian Johansen

> Hi Rodrigo,
> Thanks for the initiative! See my responses below.
> First of all, since I'm moving my job I'm using my free time and energy
>> focusing on this change, so I'm delaying the OpenID test writing for now,
>> sorry.
> Nothing to be sorry about. Thanks for keeping us updated.
>> Mailing list are ineffective as an issue tracking system and Gitorious
>> definitely needs an issue tracking system.
> Writing a good tracking system from scratch and integrating it to Gitorious
>> is too much work. That means it won't happen any time soon. It also means
>> more code to maintain.
> Agreed.
>> So, I'd like to suggest that we created a chiliproject.gitorious.org or
>> issues.gitorious.org for managing Gitorious issues, versioning and
>> roadmap.
> This is a great suggestion. We've been delaying a decision in issue
> tracking for a long while, and I think it's time to just pick something and
> get started. We can always move later.
>> These version numbering suggestions will of course depend on Gitorious
>> priority, demand and availability from developers that will work on each
>> feature. But we'll be able to get more feedback and contributions this
>> way... Relying only in a mailing system is a very poor feedback solution.
> A roadmap of some sort is a good idea. I don't think we'll be able to pin
> features down in such a detailed way, but we could at least advertise
> features in planning, have a discussion about them and indicate timespan for
> deployment of such features. We will also get started on documenting
> changesets and version numbers ASAP.
> I will look at getting a Chiliproject setup up and running shortly, maybe I
> have some more feedback after that.
> As for the discussion on issue tracking and Gitorious in general: I agree
> that if/when issue tracking becomes a part of Gitorious (pluggable in some
> way) - i.e. something we offer projects hosted with us - shipping something
> which is distributed is key. We've been mulling over this a lot, and even
> looked at a few such systems backed by Git. I don't know yet exactly how it
> would work, but I want an issue tracking system that:
>    - stores issues in plain text (so they can be put in Git)
>    - can be distributed
>    - has a CLI for programmer efficiency
>    - has pluggable nice UI for stake-holders
> Obviously, as Rodrigo said, we likely won't be able to build something like
> that any time soon, but for what it's worth, these are some of my ideas on
> the topic.
> Christian
>  --
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